Share your vision with the world...
Vision for Earth is excited to offer a page on this website, free, for anyone who wants one. The only catch? You just need to be working towards a better world.
Sound good? The full system is going to be an on-going work in progress, but you can right now, download a basic html template, and fill up with whatever message you want to share with their world.
Here is the live demo page. Here is the direct zip download. Instructions are in the comments. Just about any text editor will work. [If working with some basic html (it's pretty simple--kinda fun too!) isn't where you're at... no problem. You can send in a text file too. We're here to help.]
We also would like to offer to run a 'featured graphic' that will appear on the home page, and run throughout the entire website. Sounds... cool?
Vision for Earth is an idea... to hear your idea. To share your idea. To make your idea happen!
More will be shared soon... as to what the larger scope of this project is about. But for now... there are a few things you can do, to join in on this.
"Building a global, citizen-inspired Platform -- a Magna Carta for our planet -- is one of the most important tasks for the human race. Now more than ever, your voice is needed. Vision for Earth is your voice. Your ideas. For a better future, that we can begin to create. Today.
-Ben Mater, Vision for Earth Founder